Source code for scpi

# Lucas J. Koerner
# 05/2018
# University of St. Thomas

The SCPI module includes the SCPI class, functions to convert return values, and builds 
a SCPI object (using the function init_instrument) from a CSV file of commands and lookups.

# standard library imports
import warnings
import time
import sys
import math
import ast
from collections import defaultdict
import functools
# imports that may need installation
import pandas as pd
import colorama
import numpy as np
import serial
import visa
from pyvisa.constants import StatusCode

# local package imports
from instrbuilder.command import Command
from instrbuilder import utils

# -----------------------------------------
# a dictionary of functions that are used to convert return values from getters
convert_return = defaultdict(lambda: str)
convert_return['string'] = str
convert_return['float'] = float
convert_return['double'] = float
convert_return['int'] = int
convert_return['nan'] = str

def arr_str(str_in):
    """ convert string such as '2.3', '5.4', '9.9' to a list of floats """
    return np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: float(x), str_in.split(','))))

def arr_bytes(bytes_in):
    """ convert array of bytes such as b'1,0\r' to a list of floats """
    str_in = bytes_in.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
    return np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: int(x), str_in.split(','))))

def arr_bytes_floats(bytes_in):
    """ convert array of bytes such as b'-3.051776e-004,-3.051776e-004,\r', to a list of floats """
    str_in = bytes_in.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
    return np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: float(x), list(filter(None, str_in.split(','))))))

def str_strip(str_in):
    """ strip whitespace at right of string. Wrap string rstrip method into function """
    return str(str_in.rstrip())

def keysight_error(str_in):
    """ detect for an error return, specific to Keysight. 

    str_in : string
        input string to check 

    return str_in[0:2] != '+0'

# add attribute to the getter conversion function so that bluesky
#    (or the generation of a bluesky signal) knows what to do
def returns_array(func):
    func.returns_array = True
    return func

nop = lambda x: x

convert_return['str'] = str_strip
convert_return['str_array_to_numarray'] = returns_array(arr_str)
convert_return['byte_array_to_numarray'] = returns_array(arr_bytes)
convert_return['byte_array_to_numarray_floats'] = returns_array(arr_bytes_floats)
convert_return['keysight_error'] = keysight_error
convert_return['pass'] = nop
convert_return['pass_array'] = returns_array(nop)

# getter conversion function to determine if a single bit is set. Returns True or False
for i in range(8):
        i)] = lambda x: bool(functools.partial(utils.get_bit, bit=i)(int(x)))
# getter conversion function to determine if a single bit is cleared. Returns True or False
for i in range(8):
    )] = lambda x: not bool(functools.partial(utils.get_bit, bit=i)(int(x)))
#### -----------------------------------------
divider_string = '='*80 + '\n'
getter_debug_value = '7'  # when running headless (no instruments attached) all getters return this arbitrary value

[docs]class SCPI(object): """A SCPI (or SCPI like) instrument with a list of commands. The instrument has methods to get and set info of each command. Parameters ---------- cmd_list : Command A list of commands. Each command is an object of the class Command comm_handle : Communication object handle to the (general) hardware interface Example is the pyvisa instrument object: inst Needed when commands are overriden must have a: write method (Examples are pySerial write() or pyvisa inst.write()) and an ask method (Examples are pySerial ask() and pyvisa inst.query()) name : str, optional Name of the instrument unconnected : bool, optional For simulation & testing without instruments If true a "fake" ask and write command are configured. Ask always returns the same value (getter_debug_value). Attributes ---------- unconnected : bool if True the instrument is unconnected and returns appropriately configured garbage values just for testing vendor_id : str id returned by the identification command name : str name the user assigns comm_handle : object the communication object (could be from pyvisa or pyserial) Methods ---------- get(name, configs={}) : get the value for the command of a given name set(name, value=None, configs={}) : set a value for the command of name list_cmds() : print all cmds help_all(subsystem_list=None) : list help for all commands (or for commands within a list of subsystems) help(name): print help on a command of the provided name log_all_getters(filename=None, suppress_stdout=False): write all values that can be read to a file or to stdout test_command(name, set_vals=None, get_configs={}, set_configs={}): test a specific command by sending a value and checking the readback of that value test_all(skip_subsystem=['setup', 'status', 'system'], skip_commands=['fast_transfer', 'reset']) : test all commands """ def __init__(self, cmd_list, comm_handle, name='not named', unconnected=False): self._cmds = {} for cmd in cmd_list: self._cmds[] = cmd self._write = comm_handle.write self._ask = comm_handle.query self.unconnected = unconnected # get the vendor ID, which often includes firmware revision and other useful info. try: vendor_id = self.get('id') print('Opened Instrument: {}'.format(vendor_id)) except Exception as e: print(e) print( 'ID command not returned by instrument. Vendor ID set to None') vendor_id = None self.vendor_id = vendor_id = name self.comm_handle = comm_handle def __dir__(self): return self._cmds.keys() def __len__(self): return len(self._cmds) def get(self, name, configs={}): if not self._cmds[name].getter: print('This command {} is not a getter'.format(name)) raise NotImplementedError if self._cmds[name].getter_override is not None: return self._cmds[name].getter_override(**configs) cmd_str = self._cmds[name].ascii_str_get ret_val = self._ask(cmd_str.format(**configs)) # if the instrument is not connected, check if the command has a specific return value if self.unconnected: try: ret_val = self._cmds[name]._unconnected_val except Exception as inst: print(inst) pass try: val = self._cmds[name].getter_type(ret_val) # check if a lookup table exists if bool(self._cmds[name].lookup): # bool(dict) --> checks if dictionary is empty try: # check if this value matches a key in the lookup table val = list(self._cmds[name].lookup.keys())[list( self._cmds[name].lookup.values()).index(val)] except ValueError: print('Warning: {} value of {} not in the lookup table'. format(name, val)) return val except ValueError: print('Warning! getter {} returned unexpected type'.format( self._cmds[name].name)) print(' Returned {}; with type = {}; expects = {}'.format( ret_val, type(ret_val), self._cmds[name].getter_type))
[docs] def set(self, name, value=None, configs={}): """ set a value Parameters ---------- name : string name of the command (first column in the csv file) value : Union[str, int, float, None] the value to set configs : dict, optional special configurations beyond the 'value'; specified in the csv file Returns ---------- str .. todo:: check this and fix? """ cmd_str = self._cmds[name].ascii_str if value is not None: # check if this value is a key in the lookup table if value in self._cmds[name].lookup: try: value = self._cmds[name].lookup[value] except Exception as set_error: pass # just keep value self.check_set_range(value, name) cmd_str = cmd_str.format(value=value, **configs) # allow for a setter with no value (e.g. '*RST') else: # is the value is None cmd_str = cmd_str.format(value='').rstrip() # for pytests if self.unconnected: self._cmds[name]._unconnected_val = value # send the command to the instrument return self._write(cmd_str)
[docs] def check_set_range(self, value, name): """ check if the value to be set is within range Parameters ---------- name : string name of the command (first column in the csv file) value : Union[str, int, float, None] the value to set Returns ---------- bool True if in range """ if self._cmds[name].limits is None: return True if (len(self._cmds[name].limits) == 2) and (type( self._cmds[name].limits[0]) is not str): # numeric, check if less than or greater than if (value >= self._cmds[name].limits[0]) and ( value <= self._cmds[name].limits[1]): return True else: # throw out of range warning self.out_of_range_warning(value, name) return False else: # check if value is a member if value in self._cmds[name].limits: return True else: # throw out of range warning self.out_of_range_warning(value, name) return False
[docs] def out_of_range_warning(self, value, name): """ throw a warning Parameters ---------- value : Union[str, int, float, None] the value to set name : string name of the command (first column in the csv file) Returns ---------- UserWarning """ warnings.warn( '\n {} value of {} is out of the range of {}'.format( name, value, self._cmds[name].limits), UserWarning)
[docs] def list_cmds(self): """ list all commands """ for key in self._cmds: print('{}'.format(self._cmds[key].name))
[docs] def help_all(self, subsystem_list=None): """ print help for all commands Parameters ---------- subsystem_list : list, optional a list of subsystems to limit the printing to name : string name of the command (first column in the csv file) """ if subsystem_list is None: # get all subsystems subsystems = [self._cmds[d].subsystem for d in self._cmds] subsystems = [s if s is not None else 'Unassigned' for s in subsystems] # create a list of unique subsystems subsystem_set = set(subsystems) else: subsystem_set = set(subsystem_list) for s in subsystem_set: print(divider_string) print( f'Help for Subsytem: {colorama.Fore.RED}{s}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}:' ) print('\n') for k in self._cmds: if self._cmds[k].subsystem == s: print('')
[docs] def help(self, name): """ print help for a single command Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the command """ if self._cmds[name].subsystem is not None: sub_sys = ' in subsystem: {}'.format(self._cmds[name].subsystem) else: sub_sys = '' print( f'Help for command {colorama.Fore.GREEN}{self._cmds[name].name}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}{sub_sys}:' ) print(' {}'.format(self._cmds[name].doc)) if self._cmds[name].limits is not None: print(' Allowable range is: {}'.format( self._cmds[name].limits)) if len(self._cmds[name].set_config_keys) > 0: print( ' The setter needs a configuration dictionary with keys: {}'. format(', '.join(self._cmds[name].set_config_keys))) if self._cmds[name].getter: print(' Returns: {}'.format( self._cmds[name].getter_type.__name__)) if len(self._cmds[name].set_config_keys) > 0: print( ' Getting a value needs a configuration dictionary with keys: {}'. format(', '.join(self._cmds[name].get_config_keys))) if len(self._cmds[name].lookup) > 0: print(' This command utilizes a lookup table on get and set:') print(' ' + str(self._cmds[name].lookup))
[docs] def log_all_getters(self, filename=None, suppress_stdout=False): """ save all gettable values to a file and send to stdout Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional name of the file (if None no file is saved) suppress_stdout : bool, optional if True the getters will not be printed to stdout Returns ---------- dict dictionary with the command name as keys and the results as values """ # .. todo:: read getters that need a configuration input keys = [] results = [] for key in self._cmds: if self._cmds[key].getter and (self._cmds[key].getter_inputs == 0): keys.append(key) results.append(self.get(key)) # print to stdout if not suppressed if not suppress_stdout: for (key, result) in zip(keys, results): print('{} = {}'.format(key, result)) # write to a file if a file name is provided as input if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as f: print('Time = {}'.format(time.time()), file=f) print('Instrument = {}'.format(self.instrument_name), file=f) for (key, result) in zip(keys, results): print('{} = {}'.format(key, result), file=f) return dict(zip(keys, results))
[docs] def read_comm_err(self): """ Read if the instrument has flagged a communciation error The csv command file must have a getter with name comm_error that returns a bool Returns ---------- bool if True a comm error was detected """ try: return self.get('comm_error') except KeyError as inst: print( 'Error: The command comm_error must be configured to read instrument errors' ) sys.exit()
[docs] def test_command(self, name, set_vals=None, get_configs={}, set_configs={}): """ Test a command by setting and getting to determine if: 1) the instrument reports a communcation error 2) the return value is of an unexpected type or an error threshold away from what was set Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the command set_vals : list, optional A list of values to test by a sequence of set and get. If not provided the low and high limits are used get_configs : dict, optional A dictionary of configs to send the get command set_configs : dict, optional A dictionary of configs to send the set command Returns ------- bool True if the command is successful, False otherwise. Example ------- dmm.test_command('curr_range', set_configs = {'ac_dc':'DC'}, get_configs = {'ac_dc':'DC'}) """ comm_error = False allowed_err = 0.02 # .. todo:: determine error magnitude that is allowed for automated checking if (len(self._cmds[name].get_config_keys) != len(get_configs)) or (len( self._cmds[name].set_config_keys) != len(set_configs)): print('Skipping test of: {}'.format(name)) print( ' Automated test of getters or setters that require a configuration input is not yet implemented' ) print('An input configuration dictionary is required') return 'NotTested' # if getter and setter if (self._cmds[name].getter and self._cmds[name].setter): ret = self.get(name, configs=get_configs) comm_error |= self.read_comm_err() if set_vals is None: try: set_vals = [ self._cmds[name].limits[0], self._cmds[name].limits[1] ] except : print( 'Skipping test of setter {} since limits are missing'. format(name)) return 'NotTested' for set_val in set_vals: self.set(name, set_val, configs=set_configs) comm_error |= self.read_comm_err() ret = self.get(name, configs=get_configs) # if present remove lookup table modification try: ret = self._cmds[name].lookup[ret] except: pass comm_error |= self.read_comm_err() if self._cmds[name].getter_type == float: try: deviates = np.abs( (ret - set_val) / set_val) > allowed_err except ZeroDivisionError: deviates = (ret != set_val) else: deviates = (ret != set_val) if deviates: comm_error = True if self._cmds[name].getter_type == float: print( 'Get vs. set difference greater than {} %% for command {}'. format(allowed_err * 100, name)) else: print( 'Get vs. set difference for command {}'.format( name)) print('Set {}; got {}'.format(set_val, ret)) print(divider_string) # if setter only elif self._cmds[name].setter: if (self._cmds[name].limits) is None: set_val = None self.set(name, set_val, configs=set_configs) comm_error |= self.read_comm_err() elif (len(self._cmds[name].limits) > 2): set_vals = [ self._cmds[name].limits[0], self._cmds[name].limits[-1] ] for set_val in set_vals: self.set(name, set_val, configs=set_configs) comm_error |= self.read_comm_err() else: print('Skipping test of setter {}'.format(name)) return 'NotTested' # if getter only elif self._cmds[name].getter: ret = self.get(name, configs=get_configs) comm_error |= self.read_comm_err() else: print('Command is not a setter nor a getter, cannot test!') return not comm_error
[docs] def test_all(self, skip_subsystem=['setup', 'status', 'system'], skip_commands=['fast_transfer', 'reset']): """ Test all commands by setting and getting to determine if: 1) the instrument reports a communcation error 2) the return value is of an unexpected type or an error threshold away from what was set Parameters ---------- skip_subsystem : list (of strings), default = ['setup', 'status'] subsystems to skip, an example might be commands in the status subsystem that reset the instrument skip_commands : list (of strings), default = ['fast_transfer', 'reset'] Commands to skip Returns ------- dict Keys are each commands tested, value is True (command succeeded) or False (command errored) """ all_tests = {} for key in self._cmds: if (self._cmds[key].subsystem in skip_subsystem) or ( key in skip_commands): pass else: print('Testing {}'.format(key)) status = self.test_command(key) all_tests[key] = status print('Result for {} = {}'.format(key, status)) #### ---- Print and return results ----- print('\n') print(divider_string) print('Command Test Results:') import pprint pprint.pprint(all_tests) print('Returns True if command is successful') return all_tests
class PyVisaUSB(object): """A USBPyVISA instrument (connected via a USB cable) Parameters ---------- address: str the address of the device Attributes ---------- comm : visa communciation object """ def __init__(self, address): try: self.comm = self.open_visa(address) except Exception as inst: print(inst) print('Device Opening failed') def open_visa(self, addr): """ open a VISA object Parameters ---------- addr : str the address of the device Returns ---------- PyVISA object .. todo:: * determine if error flag * enable or disable of lookup table """ mgr = visa.ResourceManager() resources = mgr.list_resources() if addr in resources: # open device .. todo:: check return value obj = mgr.open_resource(addr) elif addr not in resources: print( 'Trying to open the device even though it was not found by the resource manager' ) obj = mgr.open_resource(addr) else: print( 'This address {} was not recognized'.format(addr), file=sys.stderr) print('Returning an empty handle', file=sys.stderr) obj = None return obj def ask(self, cmd): """ Send a query to the instrument Parameters ---------- cmd : str the ASCII string sent to the device Returns ---------- str ASCII string returned by the device """ res = self.comm.query(cmd) return res def write(self, cmd): """ Write a command to the instrument Parameters ---------- cmd : str the ASCII string sent to the device Returns ---------- bool if True transaction was successful str returned value .. todo:: check this """ ret = self.comm.write(cmd) return ret[1] == StatusCode.success, ret def close(self): pass class Serial(object): """A PySerial instrument (connected via a serial cable, i.e. RS232) Parameters ---------- ser_port : str the address of the device (example on a MAC is '/dev/tty.USA19H141113P1.1') baudrate : int, optional the serial channel baudrate to configure parity : str, optional options given by serial.PARITY_NONE, serial.PARITY_EVEN, serial.PARITY_ODD bytesize : int, optional options given by serial.EIGHTBITS, serial.FIVEBITS, serial.SEVENBITS Attributes ---------- ser : the serial communciation object terminator : the termination character to send """ def __init__(self, ser_port, **kwargs): self.ser = serial.Serial( port=ser_port, baudrate=kwargs.get('baudrate', 9600), parity=kwargs.get('parity', serial.PARITY_NONE), bytesize=kwargs.get('bytesize', serial.EIGHTBITS)) self.terminator = kwargs.get('terminator', ' \n') # some instruments need an initialization write, # i.e. turn on remote interface mode init_write = kwargs.get('init_write') if init_write is not None: self.write(init_write) def open(self): self.ser.close() cnt = 0 while not self.ser.isOpen(): time.sleep(0.1) cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt > 25: print('Failed to open Serial interface at address: {}'.format( self.ser_port)) def ask(self, cmd): self.write(cmd) res = self._readline() return res def write(self, cmd): cmd = cmd + self.terminator self.ser.write(cmd.encode('utf-8')) return (True, 'no-details') # pyserial does not return a success upon write def close(self): self.ser.close() # def _readline(self): eol = b'\r' leneol = len(eol) line = bytearray() while True: c = if c: line += c if line[-leneol:] == eol: break else: break return bytes(line) def init_instrument(cmd_map, addr, lookup=None, **kwargs): """ initialize an instrument with its address and CSV file of commands Parameters ---------- cmd_map : str path to the CSV file of instrument commands addr : dict key is one of pyserial, pyvisa; value is the address of the instrument lookup : str, optional filename of the CSV file of lookup table Returns ---------- list list of commands that will be used for building the instrument object communication handle bool True if instrument is not connected """ # Read CSV file of commands using Pandas df = pd.read_csv(cmd_map) # strip white space and end-of-line from column headers df = df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip()) # strip white space and end-of-line from string inputs df['setter_type'] = df['setter_type'].str.strip() df['getter_type'] = df['getter_type'].str.strip() # Read CSV file of lookups if lookup: df_look = pd.read_csv(lookup) # strip white space and end-of-line from column headers df_look = df_look.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip()) # drop empty rows (for example, at the end) df_look = df_look.dropna(how='all') # make a dictionary for each command cmd_lookups = {} for index, row in df_look.iterrows(): if index == 0: try: if math.isnan(row['command']): raise Exception( 'The first element of the lookup table is empty') except Exception as inst: pass try: if not math.isnan(row['command']): current_cmd = current_cmd # shouldn't get here except Exception as inst: current_cmd = row['command'] try: dict_key = float(row['name']) except ValueError: dict_key = str(row['name']) if current_cmd in cmd_lookups.keys(): cmd_lookups[current_cmd][dict_key] = row['value'] else: # initialize the dictionary cmd_lookups[current_cmd] = {} cmd_lookups[current_cmd][dict_key] = row['value'] cmd_list = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): # convert getter, setter to Boolean True or False for gs in ['getter', 'setter']: if row[gs] in ['True', 'T', 'TRUE', 'true', True]: tmp = True elif row[gs] in ['False', 'F', 'FALSE', 'false', False]: tmp = False else: tmp = False row[gs] = tmp # converts to Boolean if row['setter_range'] is not None: try: row['setter_range'] = ast.literal_eval(row['setter_range']) except ValueError: if not math.isnan(row["setter_range"]): print( f'Warning setter_range of {colorama.Fore.GREEN}{row["setter_range"]}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL} for command {colorama.Fore.BLUE}{row["name"]}{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL} not of proper form' ) row['setter_range'] = None # pandas read default value is nan. Convert to None or 0 depending upon column def modify_default(row_el, default_value): try: row_el = default_value if math.isnan(row_el) else row_el except TypeError: row_el = row_el return row_el row['setter_inputs'] = modify_default(row['setter_inputs'], 1) row['getter_inputs'] = modify_default(row['getter_inputs'], 0) row['ascii_str_get'] = modify_default(row['ascii_str_get'], None) row['subsystem'] = modify_default(row['subsystem'], None) if False: print('---') print(row['name']) print(cmd_lookups.keys()) print('---') if row['name'] in cmd_lookups.keys(): lookup_dict = cmd_lookups[row['name']] else: lookup_dict = {} cmd = Command( name=row['name'], ascii_str=row['ascii_str'], ascii_str_get=row['ascii_str_get'], getter=row['getter'], getter_type=convert_return[row['getter_type']], setter=row['setter'], setter_type=convert_return[row['setter_type']], limits=row['setter_range'], doc=row['doc'], subsystem=row['subsystem'], getter_inputs=row['getter_inputs'], setter_inputs=row['setter_inputs'], lookup=lookup_dict, is_config=row['is_config']) cmd_list.append(cmd) # check to ensure the dictionary only has 0 or 1 entry if len(addr) > 1: sys.exit('Multiple keys: {}'.format(list(addr.keys()))) # pySerial:Serial if 'pyserial' in addr: try: inst = Serial(addr['pyserial'], **kwargs) inst_comm = inst inst_comm.ser.flush() unconnected = False except Exception as inst: print(inst) unconnected = True print('PySerial address not found {}'.format(addr['pyserial'])) print('Possible serial addresses:') import glob import platform if platform.system() == 'Darwin': print('On your MAC at /dev/tty.USA*') print(glob.glob("/dev/tty.USA*")) elif platform.system() == 'Linux': print('On your Linux Box at /dev/tty.USA* ??') print(glob.glob("/dev/tty.USA*")) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': print('On your Windows Machine I do not know how to check for available COM ports') #print(glob.glob("/dev/tty.USA*")) # pyvisa:PyVisaUSB elif 'pyvisa' in addr: try: inst = PyVisaUSB(addr['pyvisa']) inst_comm = inst.comm unconnected = False except Exception as e: print(e) unconnected = True print('PyVISA address {} not found'.format(addr['pyvisa'])) # unattached instrument else: unconnected = True if unconnected: #Targeting a PyVISA like instrument # allow for debugging without instruments attached: # print command to stdout, always return getter_debug_value print(divider_string, end='') print('Running in debug mode without instrument attached') print('All commands sent to the instrument will be printed to stdout.') print( 'Unless specified by cmd attribute _unconnected_val' + ' \ngetters will always return {} (getter_debug_value)'. format(getter_debug_value)) print(divider_string) class Comm(): pass inst_comm = Comm() def ask(str_input): print(str_input) return getter_debug_value def write(str_input): print(str_input) inst_comm.write = write inst_comm.query = ask return cmd_list, inst_comm, unconnected