Adding Instruments

The name and address of instruments are stored in a configuration file within the user’s home directory (~/.instrbuilder/config.yaml).

Intialize YAML

only required if a YAML file does not yet exist!!

from instrument_opening import init_yaml, detect_instruments
init_yaml(csv_dir, cmd_name, lookup_name, filename = 'config.yaml')

Detect Instruments

it may help to run detect_instruments with only 1 instrument at a time turned on


detect_instruments() requests user input to configure the YAML file

The resulting config.yaml file looks like:

csv_directory: /Users/koer2434/Google Drive/UST/research/instrbuilder/instruments
cmd_name: commands.csv
lookup_name: lookup.csv
      pyvisa: USB0::0x0957::0x0407::MY44060286::INSTR
    python_class: KeysightFunctionGen
    csv_folder: keysight/function_gen/33500B